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seven wonderlands

Client: Marvis

Conceptual Illustration
for Poster and H5 Animation

Marvis is a high-end company that produces toothpaste.

Marvis invited several artists to create seven fantasy worlds for each of their seven flavors of toothpaste.

I was very honored to be one of them and to create the worlds for Jasmine Mint and Sea Mint flavor.


- Carefree Dream Factory -

"The fragrance of jasmine mint fills the air in this world, with a sense of healing from an aromatherapy Spa.

It was from this feeling that we created the "Carefree Dream Factory"

Everything that was made here can release anxiety and uneasiness, and help you fall into sleep with jasmine fragrance, and dream all night long."

- Fun Water -

The ocean mint flavor evoked the joy of playing by the sea. With this as inspiration, we create "the Seventh World - Fun Water" 
In this world, there is an ocean of joy in the sky, which both absorbs the joy which is turned into steam and makes it rain back to the earth.

When happiness cycles infinitely between the ocean and the city, the world will never lack happiness.




- 无忧梦工厂 -




- 快乐水 -




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